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Monday, January 17, 2005

It Ain't The Sirens of Titan....

Sorry, Kurt Vonnegut — I like your stuff and all, mostly — but it never entranced me the way these sounds and sights from the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI) Titan approach and landing do. (Those links found via Hassenpfeffer.)

"Hey, I'm living in the future," as my friend John Cox can sometimes be heard to say in a surprized tone. And as a person with open-mouthed wonder at the first moon landing as one of my earliest memories (along with an image of my maternal grandmother in her white casket in the livingroom of her West Point, P.E.I. home — a story for another day), John's words fit me as well. I'm very pleased with the profound awe I still feel every time I come across new information about humanity's exploration of space.

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Brenda Schmidt said...

""Hey, I'm living in the future," as my friend John Cox can sometimes be heard to say in a surprized tone."

That's great.

John said...

When you find your robot, John, could you send it up hee to shovel my driveway, please?

Brenda Schmidt said...

And if you find your robot and it makes decent scrambled eggs, please put it in your flying car and send it out here. I'm hungry. And please send along the lovely "Apple & Bowl # 1" - I'd like to study it up close while I eat.