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Thursday, October 25, 2007

[99] Lift Balloons

Okay, I made the 99 part up -- but seriously, a balloon carrying a solar telescope reached an altitude of almost 23 miles above the earth:*
The Sunrise project has presented engineers with a number of extraordinary challenges. The balloon is designed to carry 6,000 pounds of equipment, including a 1-meter (39-inch) solar telescope, additional observing instruments, communications equipment, computers and disk drives, solar panels, and roll cages and crush pads to protect the payload on landing. The equipment must be able to withstand dramatic changes in temperature, and the steel and aluminum gondola cannot vibrate in ways that could interfere with the operation of the telescope.
6,000 pounds!
This is the future of space travel.

Who needs rocket science?

*I found this via Sci Fi Tech.


Anonymous said...

6000lbs? That's only 4 cows and a little equipment.

John said...

Do you need fresh steak for every meal?