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Thursday, January 13, 2005


Some books worth I've read in the last few months that I think are worth mentioning:

The Possible Past, Aislinn Hunter (mentioned in my first post) — the best new book of poetry I've laid eyes on in a few years.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel, Susanna Clarke — best new fantasy novel I've read in probably ten years.

Later Novels & other writings, Raymond Chandler — still the best crime fiction out there other than Dashiell Hammett's Red Harvest (and the novels of Jim Thompson, which are damn hard to lay hands on).

The Ax, Donald E. Westlake — twisted little sendup of the effects of downsizing in corporate America..

Flashfire; and Flashback, Westlake writing as Richard Stark — two recent installments in the Parker anti-hero series.

The Path to the Spiders' Nest, Italo Calvino — his first novel, a couple of months in the life of a young boy in Italy during WWII.

Altered Carbon; Broken Angels, Richard Morgan — this British author's first two novels are science fiction in the cyberpunk/noir mode; his explorations and expansions of the genre prove it still has room to grow. I wonder if he can go three-for-three?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tips on some books to read over what's left of the winter, (or of life). I have a technical question, though i am unsure if I will ever find your answer. How do you scroll through all of the postings here? How do I find something I've been to once and want to read or listen to again? (I'm going to try to find "Books" posting again and see if your answer to this question is below that.) I think I'm looking for some master list of your entry titles and dates to choose what to read from.
(Liked the A.E. Housman poem)